Saint Mont White wines
The Saint Mont white wines are first and foremost dry white grands vins produced on exceptional terroirs from indigenous varieties, perfectly suited to Saint Mont and the climate of the Pyrenean Foothills. For the most part, these extensive white wine terroirs are exposed to the North and North East.
Thanks to the combination of all these factors the Saint Mont white wines are fresh and balanced and deliver beautiful mineral notes.
In the mouth, they reveal flavours of citrus fruit, yellow-flesh fruit and hazelnut.
The white wines are very aromatic, full-bodied and well-balanced.
They are produced with the indigenous varieties Gros Manseng, Petit Courbu and Arrufiac.
Gros Manseng is the very expression of Saint Mont, namely the aromatic exuberance associated with freshness. It has a good length on the palate.
Petit Courbu enhances Gros Manseng with elegance and full body. People say that Arrufiac is “the champion of imperfection”.